I. In a basement on Lexington Avenue in Brooklyn, DJ Hitman 50 Grand spun the “Impeach the President” break for a young MC he’d met earlier that day.
Dean Baker, Washington, DC, 2015 Photo: Jeff Adkins On May 27th, The Straddler met with Dean Baker at his offices in Washington, D.C. Baker, a macroeconomist who is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy, has long been a vocal critic of the patent and copyright systems.
A pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer, mid 1870s from the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library (via Wikicommons)
Virtue LAW: The presence or absence of goodness —of which absence of a sense of self—the inability to distinguish a self in a context of other selves
On June 2, 2015, The Straddler met with Kazys Varnelis in Midtown Manhattan for a conversation about the history and future of suburbs and cities.
Heather Cox Richardson in conversation with The Straddler Heather Cox Richardson, Cambridge, MA, 2015 Photo: Mark Ostow On April 10, 2015, The Straddler met with Heather Cox Richardson in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
“So long as all the increased wealth which modern progress brings goes but to build up great fortunes, to increase luxury and make sharper the contrast between the House of Have and the House of Want, progress is not real and cannot be permanent.
“Thus the new city was formed, and a real official place upon the map, authorized to geographers.
In 1825, on approximately five acres of land just north of what is now 82nd Street in New York City, a group of freed black slaves founded a settlement that came be to known as Seneca Village.